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Special Design Challenge: Inspired by Creator

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

Welcome creators to an exciting and unique design challenge review! From the months of April to May we tasked creators with designing a creation based on another creator's style! This is likely our most intense challenge yet, and not surprisingly, we didn't have as many submissions as we normally would... but each creation that we did receive is extra splendid! In total we had 13 submissions, meaning I have the honour of selecting 2 highlights!

This design challenge is personally quite significant to me and our website, as our mandate is 'creation is collaboration'. SOULCALIBURCREATIONS was created with the underlying philosophy that we as creators are made stronger together, this challenge is the embodiment of it.

SOULCALIBURCREATIONS was created with the underlying philosophy that we as creators are made stronger together, this challenge is the embodiment of it.

In order to honour the efforts of creators, while at the same time providing a better platform for assessing their efforts, we will be documenting our design challenge review in this blog. Keep on scrolling, and check out the amazing entries in this month's challenge. Also, don't worry, we will still be doing the Creators' Choice Highlight, there is a poll at the bottom before the highlights are announced that you can visit and vote on! Make sure to read through the blog, formulate your opinion, and vote in the poll before viewing the highlights.

For each entry below, the image on the left is the entry itself and the image on the right is a image of the creator that the entry was based on. Underneath these images is a quick break down of our comments, specifically calling out the influences we saw of the inspiring creator source material.

Anonimie - Inspired by BootsyRollins

Anonimie took a lot of inspiration from Bootsy's designs that we can see. In general, it comes across with a strong Bootsy vibe in a few ways that could lead us to believe that this was a Bootsy design if we didn't know better. Specifically, it feels a lot like one of Bootsy's earlier designs.

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • In general inspiring creator's OCs utilize a similar body type to the choice utilized.

  • The large and bold simplistic pattern utilization is consistent with inspiring creator.

  • Darker based colour schemes are consistent with inspiring creator designs.

Bootsy Rollins - Inspired by MysticMadrigal

An interesting design choice by Bootsy shows both distinct elements of Madrigal's style and Bootsy's combined creating a hybrid design creation. It definitely feels like a Bootsy design with an accent of Mystic, if we visualized this in a family tree this design would be the step daughter of one of Mystic's.

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Sticker utilization as primary patterning tool.

  • Facial scar detailing is an accent in the majority of inspiring creator's designs.

  • Primary and secondary colouring detailing is consistent with inspiring creator's designs.

Bootsy Rollins 2 - Inspired by NitricZenith

Bootsy's attempt at replicating Nitric's style has accurately captured the general vibe of Nitric's design which is quite an accomplishment considering the indefinable quality of her designs. Definitely a very strong attempt likely utilizing one of the more challenging source creators in this challenge. Its success is that it just feels like a Nitric design!

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Soft and natural pattern utilization.

  • Creation is imbedded in realism and thematic accuracy.

  • Accurately captures the vibe of inspiring creator designs.

BZRich64 - Inspired by HappyColour

BZRich64 did a great inspired creation attempt based on the HappyColour's design philosophy. Not only do we see various elements of the philosophy of the inspiring creator in BZRich's design, but we as well notice similar technical choices leveraged. Great work to BZRich!

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Leverages the 'what if' philosophy of inspiring creator imagining Hilde growing up as a peasant.

  • Leverages a three tone colour palette consistently utilized by inspiring creator across their creations.

  • Utilizes a mild and soft colour scheme generally seen in inspiring creator creations.

  • Leverages the leaves in the hair as a subtle design detail as a creation accent.

  • Is a creation of.... well.... Hilde!

Destin8160 - Inspired by MysticMadrigal

Destin seemed to take a lot of direct inspiration from a few creations of MysticMadrigal using them as a model and thereafter creating a hybrid with their own design sensibilities, a good attempt that I am sure the inspiring creator would see their own creation inspiration in. On top of this the unique combination of colours and components gives this creation a distinct Destin 'out of the box thinking' vibe.

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Heavily leverages inspiration from a specific design of the creator.

  • Contains various creation elements commonly used by the creator.

ezeShining - Inspired by Yune98K

Yune98K has a very distinct taste and style that ezeShining replicates extremely well, so well that at a quick glance it would be easy to mistake the ezeShining work as being a part of Yune98K's deep creation universe. A very solid job by ezeShining on this one!

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Extremely consistent with inspiring creator's creative aesthetic capturing the larger than life outfits of all their designs.

  • Model choice aligns well with inspiring creators body and facial types.

  • Two primary colour scheme is on brand with the designs commonly created by the inspiring creator.

  • The hat!!! Inspiring creator reallyyyyyyy loves this hat and uses it commonly across their creations.

MadulaVolta - Inspired by 3R14N

MadulaVolta took a crack at one of the more unique creators out there 3R14N. Likely one of the most challenging creators to replicate in our opinion. 3R14N's most distinct trait, in our eyes, is the uniqueness of his creation style. Overall, viewing this we feel a family similarity in the submission. Looking at a family tree, this would be a cousin design to what 3R14N creates.

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Captures the inspiring creators unique futuristic military vibe.

  • Unorthodox utilization of colours and patterns.

  • In general, reflects the unique creative choices inspiring creator makes.

MadualVolta 2 - Inspired by 3R14N

Similar to the design shared above, Madula once again creates a design in the family of 3R14N's creations leveraging various cosmetic elements used in the inspiring creator's designs to do so. Another cousin in the family tree of creation from our perspective.

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Captures the inspiring creators unique futuristic military vibe.

  • Utilizes creation components seen commonly in inspiring creator's designs.

  • In general, reflects the unique creative choices inspiring creator makes.

MarioMan124 - Inspired by MysticMadrigal

The inspiration and influence are very clear in this entry of a design MarioMan utilized to build a MysticMadrigal inspired creation. Lots of both obvious and subtle choices make this a great representation of Mystic's style that at first glance seem more obvious than they actually are.

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • The creation itself is directly based on a design of the inspiring creator.

  • A clear colour scheme matching the style of the inspiring creator.

  • Items are utilized that are commonly used by the inspiring creator.

  • Design choices regarding the OC body are consistent with choices made by the inspiring creator.

  • Leverages same photography positions of other creations from inspiring creator.

NitricZenith - Inspired by Yune98K

Another strong depiction of Yune98K's distinct style is accomplished by NitricZenith. Similar to ezeShining's submission referenced above Nitric really captured the essence that makes Yune98K's creations distinctly Yune98K yet still manages to have a subtle Nitric vibe.

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Extremely consistent with inspiring creator's creative aesthetic capturing the larger than life outfits of all their designs.

  • Model choice aligns well with inspiring creators body and facial types.

  • As before mentioned.... The hat!!! Inspiring creator really loves this hat and uses it commonly across their creations.

PeaceeMaker_XX - Inspired by KostasGR

No surprise that Kostas was utilized by a creator in this design challenge, and Peaceemaker's personal style has good alignment in general with Kostas's work. That being said it is clear that she made choices in the design inspired directly by Kostas. I could see this as a Kostas apprentice design of sorts! Great stuff!

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Setsuka, is a a favourite character of inspiring creator and so a great choice as the model.

  • The custom hair design style is one utilized by inspiring creator heavily.

  • Design utilizes inspiring creators pattern and colour staples which are a distinct defining element of their style.

Wizard_B7R - Inspired by NobMatrix

Wizard managed to create a great and inspired creation based on the work of NobMatrix, NobuNeko, and we can clearly see the inspiration. We get a strong evil sister or auntie vibe when we look at this design in comparison to the designs of NobMatrix.

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Leverages the inspiring creators single primary colour scheme.

  • Utilizes basic pattern and sticker detailing in a similar fashion to inspiring creator.

  • Captures the general aesthetic of inspiring creator well.

Wizard_B7R 2 - Inspired by Sirohebi

Wizard does it again with this design, we definitely are getting evil sibling vibes when we compare this design to Sirohebi's creations in general. Specifically the main avatar creation of Sirohebi resonates with the design created by Wizard. We truly love this design, it feels, on top of being inspired by Sirohebi's work, as a great stand alone creation. The efforts Wizard has gone to replicate this style is extra impressive when you compare it to the design above and notice the distinct design differences of each entry that individually reflect the inspiring creator.

The Influences of Inspiring Creator We Saw

  • Photographic style is similar leveraging the consistent action shot nature of the inspiring creators work.

  • Maintains a simplistic pattern utilization similar to inspiring creator.

  • Feels like it would fit in the same narrative universe of the inspiring creator.

  • Utilizes similar object style placement to mimic designs of inspiring creator.


Before we announce this month's selected Design Challenge Highlights, its time to share this month's Creators' Choice Highlight as voted on by poll. This month's Creators' Choice Highlight is....

NitricZenith inspired by Yune98K


Before we announce the highlights, I just want to say great job to everyone. This design challenge in particular is what our website is all about, and it took the bravest of a creator soul to participate in it! It has been an extreme challenge reviewing them and choosing highlights. Seeing creators inspire other creators is a true joy to me and lightens my creator soul!

This design challenge is what our website is all about, and it took the bravest of a creator soul to participate in it!

In terms of selecting highlights, when making these selections I found that the designs that were the most reflective of another creator's style were those that based their design decisions on concepts seen in the other creator without adding their own stylistic touch. There were quite a few designs that replicated the style of the original creator near perfectly, but then added additional details stemming from their own style. If you recall the concept of this challenge was "Pick a creator's portfolio on that inspires you, and design a UNIQUE creation BASED ON the stylistic choices of that creator." When I saw a entrant's own style creep into the design, despite these being amazing creations, it resonated with me less than those creations that leveraged elements of the inspiring creator exclusively (even if those creations may leverage less elements of the inspiring creator than the entrant own style creep designs).

Well without further ado this month's highlights are....

BZRich64 inspired by HappyColour and MarioMan124 inspired by Mystic_Madrigal

BZRich64 and MarioMan124 truly both did an exceptional job this design challenge and rose to the top of my personal favourites! Beyond the individual notes shared about each creation above, what I found BZ and Mario did better than any other creator is to stick to the formula utilized by the other designers. BZRich stuck to my own, HappyColour's, design philosophy and formula very well and even though it lacks some of the details of my creations it doesn't step outside the bounds of my creation philosophy, in my eyes what BZ has created represents well the core elements of my creation designs while creating a unique concept I have not built. Mario took a different approach instead leveraging elements and inspiration found across a large majority of Mystic's designs and made a unique build with these components. This approach was extremely successful and hard to appreciate at a quick glance until you look at the inspiring creator's portfolio! Mario sourced a lot of elements.

To use a metaphor to describe these different approaches: BZ took an introductory manual to the HappyColour's creation style and designed a costume strictly abiding to it, Mario borrowed the lego pieces of Mystic's creation style and put them together to make their own design. Both approaches were subtle, and both approaches were extremely successful! Kudos to these talented creators.

BZ took an introductory manual to the HappyColour's creation style and designed a costume strictly abiding to it, Mario borrowed the lego pieces of Mystic's creation style and put them together to make their own design.

And that, my friends, is a wrap to this Special Design Challenge. Again, I want to thank everyone for participating and taking a whack at this unique and challenging endeavour. It was a worthy one I ensure you, and your efforts have honoured not only the creators you based your works on but as well our website that values collaboration in creation over all else; creation is collaboration. Thank you all! Take a moment below to share your comments and let us know what you thought of this design challenge and the results.

Your efforts have honoured not only the creators you based your works on but as well our website that values collaboration in creation over all else...

PS - As a complete side to the Design Challenge I wanted to take a moment and share a recent Champion Creation activity we completed that was super exciting. Check out this video below to appreciate our greatest collaboration yet, involving 8 creators creating 8 unique team uniforms for use in a long running competitive SOULCALIBUR VI league!


Blog contributed by the HappyColour, make sure to check out their profile by clicking on their name above.


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